Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Bamboo's visit to Cam's house

December 10, 2015

I went home to Cameron's house.  Wow, it's a busy place!

On Friday, December 11, I got to be the Panda on the Shelf.

On Sunday, December 13, I practiced gymnastics too!

I was so tired, I had to rest with Teddy Bear, the cat, because he was tired too.

Hmmmm....what is the dad reading?

On Tuesday, December 15, I just hung out with Cameron and his brother in their room on the bean bag chair.

Later that night, I snuggled up with Cameron for a good night's sleep.

Hmm...I wonder what my next adventure will be??

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Bamboo's Adventure with Addison

December 4th
I went home with Addison. As soon as we got home we went to zoo lights.

December 5th
For breakfast I had donuts from Tim Hortons. But I don't think I was supposed to have donuts. ;)

In the afternoon we went to Hailey's birthday party. I got to help with everything and even make a craft with Addison.  It was so fun.
After the party we got ready for the Granville Candlelight festival. There were so many pretty lights to see.

December 6

I helped Addison put up the Christmas tree. And made a gingerbread house.

I had so much fun!!! I can't wait til my next adventure.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Bamboo's visit with Hailey Riley and family

Tonight (Tuesday November 24) I got to go home with Hailey Riley.   The car ride home was fun, I got to meet her little sister Kierstan.
Then at home I got to meet her pets, Buckey the cat and Walter the puppy.

 The next day was super exciting because it was Hailey's 9th birthday!  I was so happy to be there to help celebrate.  We opened presents and went to dinner at "Melt" and had cookie cake!

Then Thursday November 26 was this holiday were you gather with family and friends and eat turkey and potatoes - called Thanksgiving

The next day we went to the woods - and cut down a tree!  Then put it in their house and put lights and ornaments on it.  It was beautiful!

On Monday when Hailey went back to school I stayed home and played with Walter and Buckey.
Tuesday after school Hailey had gymnastics.  I like to flip around too!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Caelan's adventure with Bamboo

Hi this is Bamboo.... I have had fun days with Caelan, and his dog was nice but his cats were not so much.  They did not have those round things that are called P.I.E.    His brother spent most of his time on his electronics and did not notice me.    I got to ride his dog around the house which was fun! I had fun watching Caelan play football with his friends, but he sprained his arm.  It looked really painful.  He had to go inside to get ice to help it heal.
Caelan and I had lots of fun outside when the weather was nice!

Caelan and Bamboo 

  I also got to ride his dog, Buddy, around the house which was fun!

Bamboo and Buddy

Thursday, November 12, 2015

What a fun week

Surgery to repair my arm and leg was nothing major--it kinda tickled, I had to try to be very still, but it was hard when I was giggling.  But, I'm as good as new now, ready to move to my next friend's house  tomorrow. Tonight's my last night with Lauren, and I'm sad because I had so much fun, but happy because every house I've been to so far, has been awesome, I'm sure the next one is no different.

By the way, I never got in trouble for eating that round thing (they told me it was called P-I-E--now I want that at every house from now on  ;-)) So, hope my next house has some sweet round stuff called pie to feast on.

Thanks Lauren and your sniffy cats (and mom and dad and brother)!  Bye!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Uh Oh!

Uh Oh,  I think I may be in trouble. . .I found this amazing round thing on the stove and I tried a bite of it

Lauren's mom wasn't too happy this morning after she saw this:

Not sure what's going to happen now, What should I do?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Bamboo's Lonely without Lauren

Last night I helped Lauren pull out her tooth. I don't  think I have any teeth. I never thought about it before.  Maybe I do. . .

After Lauren went to bed, I sneaked out of her room and helped her mom make the beginnings of a friendship bracelet.  Well, I watched, she tried to teach me, but without fingers, I couldn't do much.  I got sleepy and crawled back up to bed.

I miss Lauren while she's at school, you'd think those two fuzzy sniffy things (cats, I think) would be some company, but all they do is lay around and sleep all day.  Then they wake up when Lauren comes home and want her attention too. . .   I think her mom is supposed to babysit me, but I'm really not sure she's doing anything at all to watch me during the day.  She pecks away at letters on a tray (maybe a keyboard), looking busy most of the day.

She did talk to me a little today, she says that I need surgery to repair my leg and my arm, she saw a tiny hole in both.  I guess that happens tomorrow, she said something about a needle and thread. I sure hope she knows what she's doing!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Today, we went to Bob Evans for breakfast. YUM! Then me and Lauren helped her dad build a shed in the back yard. I helped Lauren do her chores; we had to set the table, vacuum and make her bed. Lauren promised me I could stay up and watch TV with her and then read a book.  Good night!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Bamboo at the Powellls

Happy  to be here, I jumped  right out of Lauren's backpack and got a squeeze from Lauren and a mean look from her older brother, William. Lauren's house has 2 fuzzy cats that sniffed me,  I sniffed them right back. They seem to not like me, I think they're cute though!

Right away, I knew a good day was coming up as I helped Lauren pick up her favorite book at the library. . . You'll find out next week what it is.   Lauren read it to her mom and me while  she made pizza. It's pizza  night and a bit of tv and I was wore out!  Emma wore me out last week!  Now I am getting a piggyback ride to bed. Tomorrow I think we go hike.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Trip to the Dentist

I arrived with Emma on Friday, Oct 30 and had an immediate crazy adventure to the dentist when she got her tooth pulled. It was not fun at all. The tooth still had the root on it and was no way coming out on it's own. The tooth fairy came that night.Emma got three bucks MONEY!!!!!!!!Emma also put a note under the pillow with questions to her tooth fairy. Emma's tooth fairy is named Tiny.

On Saturday, Oct 31 we had a party at her house with friends and a sitter, Abby.  Her parents went to a neighbors Halloween party. Her mom was Captain Hook and her dad as the Tick Tock Croc.  They were funny.

Friday, October 30, 2015

The end to a busy week!

My last night at the Mercer's home was a great one!  I got to go trick or treating with Haydn and her brother, Jake.  We got so much candy!

Thanks for a great week, Haydn!  Now I'm off to my next adventure!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Horseback riding with Haydn!

Tuesdays are busy days at Haydn's house.  As soon as Haydn got home from school, we had to do her chores.  Haydn has to feed her 2 dogs and cat so I helped her out.  She let me scoop the food out of the bin!

Next, it was time to eat a small meal and head to the horse farm for her horseback riding lesson.  It was so much fun seeing all the horses there.  Haydn's horse, Willow, is nice but she is so much bigger than I am!

After 2 hours at the barn, we were tired!  We headed back to Haydn's house for dinner, a shower and bed!  Haydn read me a bedtime story all about horses.  Now it's time to drift off to sleep!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Girl Scout outing with Haydn and friends!

On Saturday, Haydn and I packed our bags and headed to a local park for a Girl Scout outing called WOW! (Wonders of Water).  We learned so much about water and the different ways people use water.  Did you know, in other countries, water is not available to some people?  We tried to come up with ways how we could help those people get water.  The girls had some really good ideas!  Along our adventure, we ran into some friends from our class.  It was great to see some familiar faces!

At home with the Mercers!

Once Haydn and I got off the bus on Friday after school, we were excited to get our weekend started! We ran inside her house, grabbed a snack, then headed outside to enjoy the warm Autumn day.  We had so much fun playing with all of the kids in her neighborhood.  My favorite thing was playing on the swings!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Short but Busy Week

Visiting with the Jenkins house was a lot of fun! The weekend started out with "Friday Family Movie Night" Where I got a turn to spend time with James' sisters Maggie and Anna.

On Saturday, James built a Rain Gutter Regatta boat for Cub Scouts. I got to put on some special coating that makes the boat glide better in the water. I hope this boat will be fast!

While James was at school, his mom took me to "The Shoe" at Ohio State University. There was a big game coming up against Penn State University and the campus was busy. It was also huge!

I ended up having a great time at the Jenkins' house. Time for the next family!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Even though it was getting late, I begged Madelyn for one more bedtime story.  I love snuggling in bed and reading to help me wind down after a big day.  I'm also learning about Thanksgiving which I think is sometime next month? I'm excited to celebrate it and eat lots of food. I wonder if there will be any bamboo?

Getting close to the end of the story.  I keep waiting to see if there will be any pandas?????

Piano Lessons for Bamboo

Today I got to play on something that matches my beautiful black and white fur coloring.  The PIANO!  I was excited to give it a try, but a little nervous too.  Madelyn helped to show me how to hold my hands and gave me the confidence to go for it!
Practicing my scales.
The piano isn't as easy as it looks.  Maybe I will try again tomorrow and see if I can play Mary Had a Little Lamb.  Of course, Maddy will need to give me a LOT of help!
Still trying to remember where Middle C is!

Bamboo at the Wedding

On Saturday morning, my new friend Madelyn dressed me up and I was so excited to attend a wedding for one of their family friends.  Here I am waiting to see the bride with Madelyn and her Nana.
I was a little sneaky to capture this selfie with the bride and groom in the background.  Look closely and you can see them exchanging their vows!
Do you recognize me? They had a photo-booth at the wedding reception and I think I created an amazing disguise.
What a fun day this was.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Kickin' It!

Hudson took me to his game on my last with he and his family.   After showing me how to kick, trap and pass it was time to watch Hudson in action.  The 'Lightning'  were awesome!  In fact, they won the game and Hudson kicked in his first goal! 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Rain, Rain Go Away!

A panda like me loves the rain but my human, Hudson, didn't want to slosh around in the rain.  Instead, he invited Brennan over for some indoor fun. It was good to swap stories about our day and hear about the boy's day at school.  This weather had them stuck inside for recess.  No ga-ga ball...which is my favorite!

After saying goodbye to Brennan, Hudson's mom took us boys to get our hair cut.  After Hudson was finished it was my turn to get my fur in order!

Check ya later, 3rd grade friends!  I'm off to dinner with the Karsies family!