Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Fun with Sean & Family, part deux

Sunday Funday, chilling out and watching some NFL play-off football.  That's me on the couch, hanging with Sean's older brothers, AJ & Noah.  (pssssst…  you didn't hear it from me, but I noticed that Sean cheers for a team until they start losing, and then he switches sides!!!)

 I was getting a little cold on the couch, so I decided to see about hangin' out with the family kitty.  Bubba is nearly 16 years old, and he didn't seem to mind my being there.

Bubba even let me sit in one of his favorite spots in front of the fire!
Ahhhhhh, warms my paws…

TUESDAY:  1/12/16

SNOW!!!!!!!  2-hour school delay!  I slept in!!!
In the morning, Sean and his brothers voluntarily went out to shovel the driveway, sidewalk, yard…  anywhere there was snow.  (Sean's mother is wondering how long this volunteering will go on, but she'll take it when she can get it!)
After school, Sean went out to sled on the golf course with brother AJ and some neighbor kids.
I wanted to go out too, but I think Sean's Mom thinks I will become target practice for snowballs.
She could be right.

Hey!  Quit looking over my shoulder as I work on my blog!

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